System Center, Automation, Powershell and other Thoughts

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DFSR: Powershell script for removing “temporary file” flag to replicate a file

At a customer we decided to remove the need of backing up files in the branches, so theres no need for the employees to switch tapes or usb drives.
To get all data backed up nevertheless, we implemented DFSR between the branches and the head quarter. In the head quarter the data are backed up.

A quick look in the DFSR reportings showed up, that there are files, that where not backed up.

With a little search in a famous serach engine, we stumbled throughwards that blog:

At the customer, there are some scanning devices responsible to convert all paper mail into digital files. Those devices are generating its output directly on the file server.
All files generated that way do not loose the temporary file attribute after saving the file.

So we buidled a powershell script that run’s as scheduler to remove these flags on a daily base.

If you are interested in this on,

here you are:


This script is for determing files with  "Temporary File" attribute set.

The script shows files where the "Temporary File"-attribute is set. Those files are not synchronised by Microsoft DFSR.
Also the script can remove the attribute, based on the file extension.
The common extensions are a set as default, but can be overridden by command.

.PARAMETER startpath
    Specifies the file path to start the search for files with "Temp File"-attribute set.

    Required?                    true
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false

    If this switch is used, the "Temp File"-attribute is removed from the file.

    Required?                    false
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
.PARAMETER extensions
    Specifies the file extensions that should be inspected.

    Required?                    false
    Default value   (".pdf",".xls",".doc",".docx",".xlsx",".ppt",".pptx",".bmp",".jpg")
    Accept pipeline input?       false

.PARAMETER countOlny
    If given, only the count of the affected file is shown.

    Required?                    false
    Default value  
    Accept pipeline input?       false

.\tempfiles.ps1 -startpath D:\

This Example lists the files where the "Temp File"-attribute is set located on the hole D:\ - Drive

.\tempfiles.ps1 -startpath D:\ -removeTemp

This Example lists the files where the "Temp File"-attribute is set and removes the "Temp File"-attribute.

.\tempfiles.ps1 -startpath D:\ -removeTemp -extensions ".exe",".jpg"

This Example lists the files where the "Temp File"-attribute is set if the file extension is exe or jpg only.
See Link for further description.


<a href=""></a>


param([string]$startpath=(read-host "Start Pfad"),[switch]$removeTemp,[string[]]$extensions=(".pdf",".xls",".doc",".docx",".xlsx",".ppt",".pptx",".bmp",".jpg"),[switch]$countOnly)

if(!($startpath -eq ""))
if(test-path -path "$startpath" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Get-childitem $startpath -recurse | `
ForEach-Object {
 if (($_.attributes -band 0x100) -eq 0x100)
  foreach($ext in $extensions)
  if($_.extension.tolower() -eq $ext.tolower())
     $_.attributes = ($_.attributes -band 0xFEFF)
$count = @(Get-childitem $startpath -recurse | where-object { $_.attributes -band 0x100 }).count
"There are $count files affected in $startpath with seleted extensions: `"$extensions`""
"Path $startpath not found!"
 get-help .\tempfiles

Reporting Services hidden on feature list of SQL 2005

We had to install the SQL 2005 Reporting Services (included with the SCCM – License of our customer) for enabling the reporting point on the SCCM Site server. The operating system is Server 2008 x64.
But as we started the SQL Server installer, the nothing of the installation features where shown except from the client tools and documentation.
All requirements where checked sucessfully, but installing Reporting Services wasn’t shown.

So we tried a lot of things, enabled 32 bit apps in IIS, restarted several times, added IIS features and so on.
But everything we didn’t show up the selection of Reporting Services feature.

So we started looking at the other software that was installed on that server and found the “Reporting Services 2008 Viewer Redistributable SP1″ installed.
And what to say: that one is the cluprit.
It was installed with the WSUS-Feature.
Removing it shows up the complete feature list in the SQL  Server Installer.
But the WSUS started to throw bad messages until we installed the viewer again.